The Upper School Biology II class has begun their anatomy and physiology study of the nervous system. We began the study learning interesting facts about the brain such as the fact that humans store millions of memories and make billions of computations each day. It was difficult for the students to "wrap their head around" these amazing truths of the human brain! Forgive my science teacher humor... Whether traveling a slow 5 mph or coursing along a speedy myelinated sheath at 250 mph, each neuron endlessly communicates important messages to our brain, glands, organs and muscles, most without any conscious effort on our part. We are truly "wonderfully made" as spoken by the psalmist. We will complete our lessons of the basic components of the nervous system this week and then focus solely on the anatomy and physiology of the brain. We will end our study of the nervous system with the dissection of a mammalian eye. Mrs. Roy