This week will mark the beginning of our reading of Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet". I look forward to the girls reading the different parts of the play in their literature groups and then acting out those scenes on Thursdays. In Humanities, we will be studying the colonial life of Plymouth Plantation such as their religious and cultural practices. In Bible, we will be reading and working in the latter part of Romans chapter 6 and into chapter 7. In Chemistry, the classes will be studying acids and bases along with testing for the Ph levels of different liquids. This past week, we had a wonderful time at Dalworthington Garden's city park on Thursday afternoon. The weather was perfect! The students enjoyed painting nature scenes using blueberry and tea paint made by Ms. Brown. This is our last week of studies before Spring Break and so I want to wish everyone a wonderful and safe week away from school! Also, even though our Basketball and Cheerleading seasons have ended, we will be having a charity game this Tuesday! Come out and play! God be with you-Mrs. Roy