It was so wonderful to see all of my students return to school following our Spring Break! One of my students spent her Spring Break doing mission work in Costa Rica while others traveled to see family and friends. After our Monday chapel service, it was time to begin our week of classical studies. In Nature Study, we studied J. Audubon's "Great-Horned Owl" painting and then the students added their own drawings of the owl to their Nature Notebooks. In Humanities, we continued the study of the culture and historical impact of the Plymouth Colony. We learned such terms as: joint-stock companies, Puritans, Separatists and "bubble and squeak" stew. It was interesting to compare and contrast their culture and customs with our modern-day way of life. In doing so, the girls unanimously chose to not travel back in time if given the choice! We will begin to learn about the Massachussets Bay Colony next week. The girls will also place the colonies on a blank map of America along with marking the geographical influence of both the London and Plymouth Companies. In Literature, we have thoroughly enjoyed reading Master Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet". Each student takes turns signing up for her role of choice and then reads it in both shakespearian and modern-day english. On Thursdays, for Drama Group, the readers must also act out their parts at the front of the classroom. In their individual literature work, the students have read the first thirty chapters of "Jane Eyre". It is truly a blessing to share the love of great literature with my students! Have a blessed week, Mrs. Roy