I look forward to a great week of studies! The class will complete their small-scale models of Jamestown on Monday and then begin our studies of Plymouth Plantation. We will be reading from William Bradford's "Of Plymouth Plantation" along with studying one of America's most important documents, The Mayflower Compact. In Bible, the class will be reading Romans chapter 6 in which Paul makes the point that we do not keep on sinning so that grace may increase. Along with this reading, the students will be doing a picture study of Rembrandt's portrayal of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. In English, the girls are continuing to make progress in their vocabulary workbooks and spelling notebooks. In Chemistry, the class is committing the Period Table of Elements to memory. As for classic literature, "Jane Eyre" continues to be a thrilling read! As we prepare to begin Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet", we look forward to a performance of Hamlet from one of our fellow students. Have a wonderful week, Mrs. Roy