We shared a special week together at the Flint Academy! All of the classes had Valentine's Day celebrations on Thursday which were marked with valentine card exchanges, festive balloons, cupcakes, flowers and chocolates. The Upper School girls were treated to an afternoon of either ice skating or a movie at the Parks Mall. With our Room Mom hosting some of the girls at the movie theatre, I got to watch the others at the ice rink. It was such fun! Along with our Valentine celebration, progress reports were sent home on Thursday. It is difficult to believe that our school year is passing by so quickly. This week, we also had the joy of delivering our first completed "Knit with Love" gift, a blue and white scarf for a little boy who has a terminal illness. His family was very appreciative of our small token of love. In our Humanities block, the class has completed our readings of Jamestown and are ready to begin their Jamestown project on Tuesday. Next, we will be studying the Plymouth Colony and the Mayflower Compact. May God bless you, Mrs. Roy