About the Flint Academy

Arlington, Texas
The mission of The Flint Academy is to provide an education in the classical tradition for all students regardless of their learning needs, integrated with a Christian worldview, having the Scriptures at the center, and presented in a family oriented, nurturing environment.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

January 12-15

Our class has begun a study of the colonists at Jamestown. Along with our readings from H.E. Marshall's "This Country of Ours", the girls have entered beautiful and historic pictures of Pocahontus and John Smith's map of Virginia into their copybooks. To help the girls understand the impact of living with limited resources, similar to the colonists, we will be going on a field trip next week in which each girl will be given a limited amount of money to buy both a complete outfit and lunch. It will be quite an adventure! Thankfully, we will not suffer the same fate as many in Jamestown but rather will have a wonderful learning experience. We are quickly wrapping up our reading of "Robinson Crusoe" and will begin Shakepeare's "Romeo and Juliet". This will be a dramatic shift for our Thursday drama group! For our individual novel, the girls have assigned reading from "Jane Eyre". What a beautiful story! I look forward to the discussions our class will have that stem from this rich piece of literature. In chemisty, the class made orange soda from freshly squeezed oranges and baking soda. It was a delicious lab! Don't forget-Grandparent's Day is next Thursday. Also, we will not be in school this coming Monday in order to observe Martin Luther King, Jr. day. May God be with you this week-Mrs. Roy