About the Flint Academy

Arlington, Texas
The mission of The Flint Academy is to provide an education in the classical tradition for all students regardless of their learning needs, integrated with a Christian worldview, having the Scriptures at the center, and presented in a family oriented, nurturing environment.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

September 29th-October 2

We have been busily working on our Nature Journals this week. We will fill them with drawings and paintings of North American birds along with a few interesting facts about each of the birds. We have continued in our reading of Robinson Crusoe this week. This past Thursday, the girls did a wonderful dramatic interpretation of the text. The scene included a shipwreck which made it quite fun to act out and even more delightful to watch! We have finished our 3 hour long movie, "Paul the Apostle", in Bible class. It was an amazing depiction of the life of Paul. The girls really enjoyed it. In history, we will do a review of Henry the Navigator and Columbus before introducing our next explorer. Along with our review, we are going to learn about Michelangelo, a famous artist of the time period, as well as sculpting the Madonna. Don't forget Open House on Saturday! I will see you there...