About the Flint Academy

Arlington, Texas
The mission of The Flint Academy is to provide an education in the classical tradition for all students regardless of their learning needs, integrated with a Christian worldview, having the Scriptures at the center, and presented in a family oriented, nurturing environment.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

September 22-25

What a busy few weeks we have had at the Flint Academy! The girls have delved into each of their subjects wholeheartedly. Each day begins with math class. The girls split into their respective classes for instruction. Following math, the girls study science and Bible on Mondays and Tuesdays and then writing and latin on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Before lunch, we feast on a well-written book! It is a great opportunity to learn new vocabulary words and share in class discussions. Following our lunch break, we spend the afternoon in a humanities block. We are beginning our study of history at the time of the renaissance, reformation and season of great exploration. We began this year's history lessons with Prince Henry the Navigator and Columbus. The girls practiced their cartography skills by mapping the distance and direction to a treasure located on the Flint Academy campus. It was quite exciting to go on a small exploration! This week we will finish up our study of Columbus. The girls will complete a picture study of a map of his journey as I read to them from the log of the Santa Maria. In the spirit of Columbus, I will end my entry with words from
the ninety-first Psalm,

"He who dwells in the shadow of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, 'He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust."

Mrs. Roy