About the Flint Academy

Arlington, Texas
The mission of The Flint Academy is to provide an education in the classical tradition for all students regardless of their learning needs, integrated with a Christian worldview, having the Scriptures at the center, and presented in a family oriented, nurturing environment.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Class Reptilia, Order Squamata

Following our spring break, the zoology students began their study of snakes and lizards. But, before uncovering the secrets of these creepy creatures, they were given a basic overview of the characteristics of animals in class Reptilia as well as the four orders it includes: Squamata, Testudines, Crocodilia and Rynchocephalia. The students were then asked how they felt about snakes. Most students responded that they were fascinated by them from afar but terrified of them up close. One student responded, "I heart snakes." So far, in our study of snakes, the students have learned about a snakes's ability to taste and smell using its tongue and to hear by feeling vibrations. To truly understand what it must be like for a snake to use its tongue as such a versatile tool, each of the students had to eat three different types of peanuts using only their tongues and then determine the flavor of each peanut. They actually did quite well as snakes though they weren't made to eat a rodent or frog! They also learned that America has only four types of venomous snakes whereas Australia has 21 different types of venomous snakes which includes the terrifying Black Adder! Though the continued study of snakes and lizards is sure to make some students squirm, a world without them would be a real fright! Snakes help to keep the rodent population from destroying crops and spreading disease. Mrs. Roy