We had a wonderful week of learning at Flint Academy! The middle school continued their study of astronomy. They memorized the names of the planets in our solar system using silly acronyms! This will be helpful for them as they recreate the solar system this week using balloons, thread and yardsticks. For Nature Study, the students helped to clean the hermit crab and tortoise cages in the Nature Center. It was a great way for them to learn about the habitat requirements of cold-blooded animals, such as the tortoise's need for places to hibernate in her terrarium. In our upper school biology classes, the students explored energy conversion in answering the question "What is life?". They learned terms such as metabolism, anabolism and catabolism. They also drew a chart showing nature's cycle of producers, consumers and decomposers. Next week, the middle and upper school classes will go on a nature hike at a local park. Have a great day! Mrs. Roy