About the Flint Academy

Arlington, Texas
The mission of The Flint Academy is to provide an education in the classical tradition for all students regardless of their learning needs, integrated with a Christian worldview, having the Scriptures at the center, and presented in a family oriented, nurturing environment.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

The New Semester in Science Class

The new semester has begun and we are learning all about protozoa and algae in biology class.  We began the school year with a study of general biology terminology and have now narrowed our focus to the five kingdoms: Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia.

In Physical Science class, the eighth graders are learning all about water as we prepare for our study of the hydrosphere.  They have studied the elements that compose this molecule, its polarity, and how the molecule's chemical bonds make it a truly unique substance.

The sixth and seventh graders have learned all kinds of interesting facts about the skeletal and muscular systems.  They are soon to begin a study of the digestive system.

Parent/Teacher conferences will begin the last week of January.  I look forward to meeting with you! 
Mrs. Roy